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Training Opportunities

The Cherokee County Emergency Management sponsors CERT training in Cherokee County. CERT training consists of approximately 20 hours of initial instruction. Classes are taught by emergency responders from your community. Some of the training topics are listed below.

Disaster Awareness

Introduction to disasters specific to your community and the impact it could have on our county. Materials cover actions that participants and their families take before, during, and after a disaster.

Disaster Fire Suppression

Briefly covers fire chemistry, hazardous materials, fire hazards, and fire suppression strategies. However, the thrust of this session is the safe use of fire extinguishers, sizing up the situation, controlling utilities, and extinguishing a small fire.

Disaster Medical Operations Part I

Participants practice diagnosing and treating life-threatening injuries by using simple triage and rapid treatment techniques.

Disaster Medical Operations Part II

Participants evaluate patients using a head-to-toe assessment and perform basic first aid in a safe, sanitary manner.

Light Search and Rescue Operations

Participants learn about search and rescue planning, size-up, search techniques, rescue techniques, and most importantly, rescuer safety.

Disaster Psychology

Participants evaluate patients using a head-to-toe assessment and perform basic first aid in a safe, sanitary manner.


Participants are given a brief overview of terrorism weapons and targets in their area.

Team Organization & Course Review

Management principles, CERT team organization, and the need for accurate documentation are addressed.

Disaster Simulation

CERT members practice what they have learned throughout the course as they participate in a disaster drill realistic to their community.

How to enroll for CERT Training

To register for Cherokee County CERT, complete the application and you will be notified of any future training.

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