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Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will I be required to commit?

You will be required to complete the initial training course, and to attend annual refresher courses as scheduled. You may be asked to volunteer for projects from time to time, but there will be no obligation in those instances.

Where can I get my CERT ID?

At the completion of the class, your CERT ID will be provided by the Cherokee County Emergency Management Agency. If your ID is lost or stolen please email or call (678) 493-4057.

What if I move to another area?

If you move to another location within Cherokee County, you should notify your CERT Program Manager or call (678) 493-4057 with your new contact information. If you move to a different county, you should return your Cherokee County CERT ID card and contact the Emergency Management Agency in your new county to find out if they have a CERT program that you can become involved in.

How will CERT be deployed during an emergency?

CERT may be deployed by the Cherokee County Emergency Management Agency. If a disaster happens in your neighborhood, you should not wait to be notified, you may self-deploy. You should take care of yourself and your family first and then proceed to help your neighbors. You should never self-deploy as a CERT member outside of your neighborhood.

Where can I find out about upcoming training or refresher courses?

As a CERT member, you will be notified by email about upcoming training courses.

How can I find out about upcoming classes?

Make sure to check our website frequently, also look for advertisements in your local newspaper and on local radio stations.

Why do authorities sometimes request no more volunteers?

At times of emergency, many of us feel driven to help. That is why we are part of CERT. The logistics of scheduling volunteer teams can become overwhelming. What we can do during an emergency is to remain ready and prepared in our own neighborhoods. Our duty and our best aid to the disaster relief effort is to remain prepared to respond right where we are.

I don't see my question on this list?

If you have a question that is not on this list, please email or call (678) 493-4057.

Contact Information

Emergency Management CERT Program Manager

Courtney Brown

Phone: 678.493.4057

Fax: 678.493.4027


© 2024 by Cherokee County EMA

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